May 25, 2021

6:00 pm


Longevity - Post-Future Future



Show Summary

For hundreds of thousands of years, living past 100 has been the exception, not the rule. But what if the opposite was true? Recent research into longevity and our biomarkers has changed the way we think about our life expectancies by developing drugs to counteract the countless medical conditions associated with aging and stop the human body's natural biological clock. Researchers have also found that certain behaviors can increase our longevity and make our lives happier and healthier. In this episode of Imagination in Action, CNN’s Life Itself’s Marc Hodosh, longevity researcher Nir Barzilai, Harvard professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Laura Deming from the Longevity Fund, Jamie Metzl, the founder of One Shared World, University of Illinois at Chicago Jay Olshansky, and journalist Esther Dyson discuss the differences between the social and biological implications of extended lifespans, the changing landscape of longevity research, recent accomplishments, and what researchers hope to achieve in the future. This week’s musical guests Hayley Reardon, Max Holm, and Cory Pesaturo also shed light on their own views of life through their performances on the guitar, piano, and accordion. Join us for an entertaining and educational commentary on longevity.